1963 - white jerseys have blue-red-blue stripes
- sannies with 2 brightish red stripes starting at the top of the sannies
- BOS/NYJ preseason photo collection shows red belts and the 1964-66
pants stripes
1964 - no serifs on the 1s
- blue-red-blue on white jerseys; blue-white-blue on red jerseys
- red belt visible on kicker in photos
- Pants stripes are same as 1965-66
- same striped sannies as 1965-66 for reg. season; plain sannies for

1965 - regular season red jerseys have b-w-b stripes instead of w-b-w
w-b-w did appear in preseason photo vs Jets along side red jerseys with
regular season jersey needs changes to b-w-b
red with w-b-w need to demote to preseason only
- blue-red-blue on white jerseys; blue-white-blue on red jerseys
- need 2-color (blue on top; red on bottom; separated by white) 2-stripe
sannies for whole season
- no serifs on the 1s
- pants stripes are all red with thin blue outlines on both sides
- belts is red (see 11_28_65 photo)

1966 - same deal as 1965 with pants stripes
- most players wearing striped sannies
- new jersey design DOES include serifs; no changes needed
- belt is red (see 12_4_66c photo)
- blue-red-blue on white preseason jerseys; blue-white-blue on red
preseason jerseys

1967 - same deal as 1965-66 with pants stripes in preseason only
- same deal as 1966 with the sannies
- qb in preseason photo vs Colts has w-b-w shoulder stripes
(others are b-w-b)
- both red jerseys worn in preseason with 1965-66 pants stripes and
1963-65 socks; plain white sannies
- qb in same photo has red belt
1968 - sannies have bright red-blue-bright red non-separated stripes below top
of sannies
- red belts
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