Monday, May 14, 2018

1934-37 New York Giants

White helmets had red front bumper, not blue.
1936 pants were red with white and blue buttstripes.
1934-35 khaki pants had red buttstripes.
1935-36 white jerseys had no outline on numbers.
1936 numbers and side panels on the white jerseys were darker blue than in 1935.
All 1934-36 jerseys had box-top 1s front and back.
1935-36 white socks had stripes closer together.
1934-35 red socks had no lower white stripe and blue stripe was twice as wide as white stripe above it.
There were 2 versions of the 1934 red jersey - one with white sleeve cuffs (worn exclusively in 1935) and one with red cuffs. The red cuff versions intermixed with the white cuff version beginning 10/7/34.

Program cover shows EXACT College All-Stars Uniform worn in Chicago College All-Star Game six days previous.
Notice how the pants, shoulder stripe and front helmet bumper all match as compared to the middle buttstripe, jersey numbers, and collar which are blue.



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